In my less charitable moments I think that certain classes of criminals — those who defraud the elderly, for instance, or animal abusers — should have to do part of their time chained up in the waiting room at a pediatrician’s office.
Conversations with Ryan #1
Potholes and Profanity After picking Ryan up from school today, I hit a pothole on the way home, because the City of Philadelphia’s roads < Dresden, 1945.
Stay Away from the BABY!
One of the unique challenges of caring for a heart baby is keeping them at a prudent distance during cold and flu season from their infectious preschooler siblings. It’s no mystery why 3-5 year olds get sick all the time. Something something immature immune systems, according to the medical establishment. All right. I get that. […]
Sleep, Damn It
When Ryan was a baby I became known by the moms at the play center as “the sleep dad.” For months before Ryan was born, his mom and I had cringed at the wrenching saga of sleep trauma my sister-in-law and her husband (Uncle Will, as he’s also known) had endured with their oldest daughter. […]