Ryan’s first game.
Conversations with Ryan
You Get What You Get
“… the line represents for me one of the most profound, and most difficult, truths we want our kids to be able to negotiate: that in life you often don’t get what you want, you often don’t get what you expect. You get what you get. And if you “get” upset, usually you’re getting it from yourself.”
Conversations with Ryan #2
Et tu, Woogie? Last week, Ryan and I made a run to the local Home Depot (a.k.a., the orange borg). Lately, the Woog has insisted on riding in a kiddie cart every time we visit the blue or orange borg. These are the carts that have steering wheels and seatbelts, and are trimmed out to […]
Conversations with Ryan #1
Potholes and Profanity After picking Ryan up from school today, I hit a pothole on the way home, because the City of Philadelphia’s roads < Dresden, 1945.