Pretty much every parent I’ve ever encountered recalls the point at which their little bundles started lying to them.
Conversations with Ryan #2
Et tu, Woogie? Last week, Ryan and I made a run to the local Home Depot (a.k.a., the orange borg). Lately, the Woog has insisted on riding in a kiddie cart every time we visit the blue or orange borg. These are the carts that have steering wheels and seatbelts, and are trimmed out to […]
Snow Days are the Frigging Worst
In the winter, whenever my phone rings and I see Ryan’s preschool on the caller ID, I immediately feel about a hundred years old.
You Can’t Go Home Again, But You Can Scooter Past It
It’s Sunday afternoon, and everyone in the house except me has been grappling with some sort of dual-evacuation stomach bug. Mom is laid out in the living room in her green recliner, looking like someone in an Edvard Munch painting.
The Two and a Half Rule
Anyone watching me and Ryan at the grocery store might be excused for wondering if my vocabulary barely extends beyond two phrases: “We don’t need that” and “Put it back.”